lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

La revista madrilana "El Alambique" edita n'asturianu

La nueva revista de poesía "El Alamabique" editada en Madrid por Editor S.A. y que promueve la "Fundación Alambique para la poesía" con llar en Guadalaxara edita tamién n'asturianu. El númberu 2 de la revista presentóse esta pasada selmana nel centru cultural de la Diputación de Guadalaxara a cargu del so director, Agustín Porras, cola idea de facer una revista semestral centrada nel mundu de la poesía más actual. Nesti númberu 2 dedícase un ampliu homenaxe al poeta de la Xeneración de 1950 Ángel Crespo. Tamién presenta poemes y traducciones de Joao Fernandes, Adriana Davidova, Mircea Oprita, Ingrid Tempel, ente otros autores asina como un poema n'asturianu de Xaviel Vilareyo, escritor asturianu de la Tercer Xeneración del Surdimientu (1967-1982).

La organización antinacionalista "Liet" considera a "Asturias" una "rexón hespañola"

El festival "Liet" considera a "Asturias" una "rexón hespañola"
Sólo 10 países participen yá nel cutrefestival neerlandés Liet international suvencionáu pol goviernu socialista asturianu
Cataluña abandonó hai años esti esperimentu cutre, antinacionalista y fracasáu
The Spanish autonomous region of Asturias has decided to support Foundation Liet International from Friesland for a period of three years. The Asturian general-director for linguistic policy, mrs. Consuelo Vega Diaz, and Foundation Liet International agreed to become partners in the Asturian capital of Oviedo. After Friesland in the Netherlands Asturias is the second region who has decided to support the Liet Foundation financially for its work on behalf of the promotion of music in minority languages. ,,Liet International has become important for the promotion of music in Asturian and other minority languages. I am confident that this event will continue to grow in the coming years”, mrs. Vega Diaz said about Liet International. Mrs. Vega Diaz attended the last edition of Liet International in Ljouwert, Friesland with a large Asturian delegation and appreciated the minority languages song contest a lot. The partnership between Asturias (Asturies in Asturian) and Liet International ensures Asturias of a place in the final of Liet International for the winner of the Asturian song contest Premiu al Meyor Cantar. On the 20th of February 2010 this song contest was won by the Asturian band Xera with the song Tierra. On behalf of foundation Liet International Onno Falkena and producer Jan Gaastra attented the Premiu al Meyor Cantar in the former mining town of Mieres. Xera is the first participant of Liet International 2010. The other ten participants will be made public later this year. Asturias is also interested in hosting Liet International in the year 2012. This offer means that the future of Liet International is looking quite bright. The next edition of Liet International will take place in the Breton city of An Orient/Lorient. In 2011 Udine in the north of Italy is the most important candidate and in 2012 Asturias will bring for the very first time to the Iberian Peninsula.